/ Documentation /Getting Started/ How to Disable Call-to-actions for Subscribers?

How to Disable Call-to-actions for Subscribers?

I am sure many of you must have come across situations when you felt like disabling a call-to-action or a set of call-to-action for a particular user/users.

This is made possible with Convert Pro now!

With Convert Pro version 1.2.2 onwards, you can add the cph parameter to the URL, with the value to determine the call-to-actions you wish to hide. This URL can be shared with the users you want to hide the call-to-actions from.

Lets say for example, you are running a campaign to introduce a new product added on your website. You have created a popup that displays a discount for first-time buyers (and you do not want to show it to your existing customers). You can hide this!

Let us take a look at a few scenarios you would want to use this for.

Hide all Convert Pro call-to-actions

Add ?cph=0 after the URL.

For eg: If your website is http://example.com/

You will need to alter it to http://example.com/?cph=0


Hide a particular call-to-action created using Convert Pro

Add ?cph=ID after the URL. (Refer here to know how to find the ID)

For eg: If your website is http://example.com/

You will need to alter it to http://example.com/?cph=959 (where 959 is the ID)


Hide a set of call-to-actions created using Convert Pro

Add ?cph=ID1,ID2,ID3 after the URL. You can add as many IDs as you want separated by a comma. (Refer here to know how to find the ID)

For eg: If your website is http://example.com/

You will need to alter it to http://example.com/?cph=959,567,990 (where 959, 567, 990 are the IDs)


The altered URLs are the ones that you need to share with the existing users or those from whom you wish to hide a call-to-action/call-to-actions from.


  • You need to make sure that you’ve enabled cookies for the particular call-to-action you are hiding. (irrespective of the values you’ve entered for after submission and after closing actions) Screenshot
  • By default we have set a cookie that will be applicable for 30 days when you use this feature. This means that the call-to-actions will remain hidden for 30 days when the user comes through such a URL.
  • In case you are using individual ID’s to hide call-to-actions, and you disable cookies (of a particular call-to-action or call-to-actions) anytime within 30 days the particular call-to-action or call-to-actions will be shown again to all the users irrespective of their behavior on it before. However, in case of the global parameter cph=0, all the call-to-actions created using Convert Pro will remain hidden for 30 days from a user who has arrived through a URL with that parameter.
  • In order to change the number of days, you’ll need to use the following filter. Add this to your theme’s or child theme’s functions.php file
  • The call-to-actions on the entire website will be hidden from that user.
 * Callback function to change number of days to hide popup from subscribers passed by URL
 * @param int $number_of_days
 * @return int $number_of_days
function your_callback_function( $number_of_days ) {
if( $number_of_days ) {
$number_of_days = 45;
// Replace default 30 days with your desired number of days
return $number_of_days;
add_filter( 'cpro_set_url_cookie_for_subscribers', 'your_callback_function', 10, 1 );

IMP: If you want to change the cookie period, make sure you add this filter first before sharing a URL with any user. This will make sure that your updated number of days is considered when a user visits through the URL.

Where can I find the ID of the call-to-action?

Open Convert Pro dashboard and click on the info icon seen under the Insight column in line with the call-to-action name.

Info Button in Convert Pro Dashboard

You’ll find the ID as highlighted in the screenshot below.

CTA ID in Convert Pro Information

You can also see the ID in the URL when you open the particular call-to-action in the editor. Refer screenshot.

Call To Action ID in URL
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