/ Documentation /Advanced/ Adding the Google reCaptcha form field in Convert Pro

Adding the Google reCaptcha form field in Convert Pro

Convert Pro version 1.3.3 onwards we have introduced the Google reCaptcha field that will let you add one in your form to prevent spam entries.

Google reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your site from spam and abuse. We have used Google reCAPTCHA v2 in Convert Pro. You can get a Google reCAPTCHA key from here and paste it into the Convert Pro interface as instructed below.

To add the keys in your Convert Pro dashboard:

Step 1 -> Go to Convert Pro -> Settings -> Recaptcha

Save changes.

Step 2 -> Use the Google reCAPTCHA field in a Call-to-Action

Design Recaptcha

Save changes and you are done!

You can then view the CTA on the frontend and see that the reCAPTCHA appears on it.

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