/ Documentation /Developers/ How to Add a New Google Font?

How to Add a New Google Font?


The cp_add_google_fonts filter allows adding Google font to existing Google font list.


// Filter callback function
function example_callback( $fonts ) {
   // update fonts here 

    return $fonts;
add_filter( 'cp_add_google_fonts', 'example_callback', 10 );


    (array) array of existing fonts 


 * Add Google Font "Mogra" to existing font list
 * @param array $fonts 
 * @return array 
function google_font_callback( $fonts ) {
    // Here Mogra is font family and 400 is font weight
    $fonts["Mogra"] = array(

    return $fonts;
add_filter( 'cp_add_google_fonts', 'google_font_callback', 10 );  

Note: Make sure font family and weight are correct to apply font.

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