- Improvement: Conditionally load Geo Location files.
- Improvement: Filter to change Countdown Timer label name. (https://www.convertpro.net/docs/how-to-change-the-labels-in-the-countdown-timer?/)
- Removed unwanted actions for buttons and shapes for – In Content, Before/After and Widget type CTA.
- Convert Pro not White-labeled in Google Recaptcha setting page.
- Not able to translate the Convert Pro popup when WPML used with CPT.
- Bridge Theme JS conflict – Required field not set for the form fields.
- Evergenius Theme JS conflict with Convert Pro editor.
- Savory theme JS conflict.
- Modal popup not centered on the mobile.
- String corrections.
- Conflict with Astra Theme WooCommerce product plus minus quantity button.
- Show Credit link displayed even when it is not set.
- Count As Conversion option when Analytics is not set.
- Multiple Info-Bar CTA toggle button issue.
- Toggle button not showing in Info-bar CTA Editor.